On the eve of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s birthday his fans have been given a special treat a teaser of his upcoming film SARDAAR GABBAR SINGH. A small recap. In 2012 Pawan kalyan along with producer Badla Ganesh And Director Harish Shankar decides to remake the cult bollywood Action er Dabangg that actually shot Salman khan from Super stardom to ultra stardom , Dabangg set a new trend in the Indian film industry for Action /commercial entertainers. Pawan Kalyan saw the potential of the film and remade it in Telugu the film titled Gabbar Singh. The film smashed all records and the rest is history. 3 years later he is back with a sequel to the cult classic. Have a look at the teaser
We at amdb.in wish The Powar star a very happy birthday and Sardaar a smashing victory on the box Office