The Sequel of The Mechanic Resurrection has hit theaters world wide, and has been received well by Critics and Audiences , here are some experts from amdb’s interview with the extremely talented director of the mechanic Resurrection Dennis Gansel .
Dennis Is this your first American film?
: Yes, this is my first American Film. I was working with millennium before on another script However and the script fell apart. They sent me another script that of The Mechanic Resurrection. I was happy, it was going to be great, a possibility to do something like a dirty james bond, they said you have to fly over and meet Jason Statham and I did meet him.
And how was your meeting with Jason Statham?
It was fantastic, i met him at his Beach house. And we talked for hours about the script and the character, what we liked about Mechanic 1 and what can be improved.
Dennis you have directed mainly German films before this. So how did you come in contact with Avi Lerner?
They saw a movie I did, they monitor the international market very closely. They liked the movie a lot. And they called me about two years ago, and they want to meet. And they kept me in mind and they thought if I fit in a particular film then they will call and they did.
Were you involved in the scripting of the film? Did you have a say in it, & did you give your director’s notes?
Yes I did give my notes and some of the stuff made it in, for e.g. Tommy Lee Jones character was my idea, and a few other ideas were taken in. But the script was in a good shape, the whole structure was there, the scenes were crafted well. And that was something to build on. The producers were very good and understanding of my suggestions.
How many days to shoot this film?
All together 55 days.
You shot in Bulgaria and Thailand?
Yes and also Brazil and Australia but without the actors.
Do you see yourself making more action films?
I enjoyed the process but I actually enjoy the Mission Impossible, or like the Bourne franchise , action with the twist is action elevated.
Are we going to see you collaborating with Jason Statham anytime soon?
I don’t know, it depends on him. I f he wants to collaborate, I would love to. He’s great and I think he has developed his ability to an A+lister. He’s a hell of a charismatic guy, his screen charisma is wow.
How did Jessica Alba’s casting come about?
It was 6 weeks prior to shooting and she had passed on the project, because she said the script showed her character to be just a damsel in distress and what she wanted was some background and do some action. So this is something we implemented into the script and then she said great.
And was Tommy Lee your casting choice?
No it came from Mark hill. We enhanced his character, a bit more to bring out the weirdness in his Character
The swimming pool scene was, brilliantly executed was it done in Bulgaria?
Thank you, No it was done in Thailand in a Thai studio and combined with our shots from a skyscraper in Australia and we shot everything inside with Jason. Then later with 10mtrs or water we shot Jason outside the studio with less water. And then we combined it.
Did you shoot in Nu Boyana Studios in Bulgaria?
Ya shot on the back lot, The final fight scene we shot on the boat. We couldn’t finish in Thailand so we shot some of the scenes in the Bouyana sets. There we finished it.
Who was the action director on this film?
Vic Armstrong and fight choreography was by Alan Poppleton .
Are you looking at doing more films in Hollywood or more in Germany?
Next one is in Germany, an adventure fantasy movie which I start in 8 weeks. And I fly to los Angeles frequently since the last 8 years for projects. So we will see. It depends on the box office. The reviews, Hollywood critics so far were pretty good. Yes and I would love to do more work.
And how was it working with Avi Lerner as a producer?
He is the best producer because he finances and he gets the cast and then he just provides you with everything you need. So that’s good. But he’s not an interfering producer, he’s not everyday on the sets. But he’s there when you need him. He’s Great
What about Yariv Lerner CEO of NY Boyana Studios?
He’s great, he knows the studio inside out. He’s The next generation of Millennium films . He introduced me to the VFX team too. The business model they have in Boyana is great. I know it because a lot of people in Germany shoot commercials there. I think it’s the best film studio in Europe. There are good modern studios in Germany but what you get for your money, the quality in boyana beats all and everything. We wanted to shoot a scene, and they built a whole ship and we were able to shoot with the star in the studio and in and out. The whole fishing trawler scene was done at the studios.
Have you watched any bollywood films?
Not as yet I have to admit. But I think I watched Robot
Are you aware of any Bollywood superstars?
Yes Shah rukh Khan he shot Don in Germany, saw a picture of John Abraham he’s cool.
Would you direct an Indian movie?
It is hard for me to make a movie which would play well with Indian audiences. I would think you need someone local, familiar with the mentality and style,however I have never been to India, I always wanted to go so why not. Yes I would like to do it.
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
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