Scarlett Johanson is known to make the most unconventional Choices in her career and those choices have got her the success she has . Right from Lucy , she made it loud and clear that she could handle a solo women action thriller ( A genre typically known as male dominated) Lucy collected over 350 million USD world wide making SJ one of the most bankable stars in the business.
She’s Back with Rupert Sander’s ( Snow White ) Ghost In a Shell where she plays a Cyborg COP. The trailer looks extremely unusual and the visuals are rather stunning.
GHOST IN THE SHELL follows the Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotic’s advancements in cyber technology\
Glen Sutter who’s work on Fury Road that has now gone down as Legendary is back once again as Stunt Co coordinators and has pulled of an interesting team to capture the Action and well. It still remains to see if this is his best work. However the film has created a big buzz and is anticipated in most markets especially in the middle Kingdom
We at wish the entire team all the very best
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad