Puri Jagganath is a famous director in South India and he is back with his latest Staring new comer Ishaan and Priyanka Chopra’s cousin Mannara . The Film looks like an Aggressive love Story and has the feel of some of Puri’s older films.
The film has action by Venket which looks like it could have been done by any of the others it would not have mattered. Ishaan looks good and has decent screen presence. Puri has always managed to make successful films in Hyderabad .
We at amdb.in wish the entire team all the very best.
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad