Blood,Booze,B@@bs and a bad ass blonde sounds like one fantastic cocktail. Sadly the amazing combo comes together a tad too dull for an Action taste bud.
Based on the Graphic novel The Coldest City written by Anthony Johnston. Atomic Blonde tells the tale of Lorraine Broughton, a top-level spy for MI6 who’s sent into Berlin on the onset of the collapse of the Berlin wall. Her mission is to recover a file that consists of information so important that it could tilt the power of balance in the world, She is also on the look out for a double agent who has been selling information to the KGB and was recently the reason for the death of another MI6 agent who happens to be the ex –boyfriend of Lorraine .
Lorraine must team up with another British Spy Agent David Percival, her main contact in Berlin, to find the files and solve the mystery of the Double Agent. Will she be successful or will she fall victim, just like other agents, who were sent in to solve the mystery?
The story of Atomic Blonde is as straight forward as it gets, and that is the best part. Sadly, it’s the screenplay that messes the simple and engaging story. Kurt Johnstad who wrote the Epic 300 has experimented with his style of writing with AB causing the biggest blunder in the film. The fractured narrations doesn’t keep you engaged, it rather confuses you with– what the hell is going on. Had one stuck to a linear format, the film would be a solid hit. The film fails to engage you and the fault of that lies solely with the writer.
Coming to the Action 87 Eleven is one of the best stunt team for a reason, David Leitch has put together a fantastic array of pieces that leave you spell bound and keep you wanting more and more. One particular sequence that has the biggest kill count in the film has been executed to near perfection. The action flows like water and it’s truly a treat to watch.
The editing on the action is tight, but there are places where the edit is very shabby and that really kills the pace of the movie.
Coming to the performances the show belongs to Charlize Theron. She’s one of the finest actors we have seen on screen ever, and she’s that for a reason. She can do it all, like all, and she proves that with Atomic Blonde she’s so perfect with her choreography that she doesn’t miss her mark even once. She proves that she can beat everyone’s ass down with a 100% conviction. With AB she has set a new bench mark in her career. James Mcavoy who plays her partner is as fantastic as always. A treat to watch, he plays his part with ease and really adds the spice to their chemistry.
Coming to the director, David Leitch who is all set to direct Dead Pool 2 has done a good job with Atomic Blonde. There are places where he has show sheer brilliance as a film maker and there are places where the work is a tad patchy. When David and Chad co-directed John Wick, the question was who was a better director . Since both have directed individually, it’s safe to say that they are both equally talented.
On the whole Atomic Blonde is a good watch for pure action lovers, t’s definitely a big winner at the Box Office, however, had the writing been better, it would have been a smashing hit.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Review Score-B
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad