John Woo once the most sought after director in all of H’wood went back to his Roots when he returned to Hong Kong to direct Man Hunt.
Manhunt is a remake of the 1976 Japanese classic action , which tells story of a man who is accused of multiple crimes and trying desperately to clear his name.
The film did well on the Box Office and got Woo a lot of success . Woo who’s made classic’s like Hard Boiled and the killers has won the fan’s with Man Hunt.
The film has found a release in North America with Netflix in May.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad