Sicario was one of the biggest breakout film of 2015. The Josh Brolin Benicio Del Toro Starrer went onto rake up over 80 million world wide on a 15 million budget and that too only theatrically. Three years later the Sequel Releases Can it live up to the expectations of part one lets find out.
The film opens with a group of illegal immigrants crossing from mexico into United States , however when caught by the Border patrol one of the immigrants Yells Allah’s name and blows himself up. `Another similar incident takes place on home soil and soon the government realizes that the mexican cartel is smuggling has now gotten into the business of smuggling terrorists too.
POTUS has hand enough and has decided to add the Mexican drug cartel on the terrorist list. In enters Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) and former undercover operative who has been given the task of eradicating the cartel in one go. He’s given all the fire power , air support and ground support needed he just wants the job done. Graver recruits Alejandro Gillick ( Del Toro) to join his fight against the cartel .
The first order of business is to kidnap one of the cartel heads daughters so to get information about other cartel leaders Alejandro Gillick manages to do that however when Graver is done rampaging the cartel the last order of business given to Alejandro Gillick is to take out the cartel boss’s daughter Isabela Reyes (Isabela Moner) however by now Gillick has made a bond with reyes and can’t follow Gravers orders what follows is an amazing battle between Gravers and Gillick will he get her or will he save her makes the rest of the film .
To Start with Sicario 2 is leaps above its predecessor , where the first part played more on moments and long shots the second part has a significantly bigger production budget and larger scale Action. Written by Taylor Sheridon the film is paced like a bullet , taylor manages to keep you engrossed between all the Characters and Action. He weaves the Action smartly into the narrative and doesnt let you get bored for a moment.
Director Steafano SOllima makes his debut with Sicario 2 and manages to make an extremely impressive one with that. He keeps all the Character traits in mind and knows where to make each Character pop. Sollima reminds us of a young Antoine Furqua of Brooklyn finest . he has a bright future in H land.
Josh brolin is fantastic and is probably having the best year of his life with 2 back to back successes Avengers and Deadpool2 and now making it a trilogy will be Sicario 2 he plays his part to perfection , however the film belongs to Benecio del toro he plays the widowed turned purpose to live person with the most realism seem in recent times . Isabela Moner who was last seen in Transformers the last Knight is a real talent to watch out for.
Stunt coordinator Doug Coleman manages to put together engaging battles with some fantastic gun fights and large scale pyro work. The sharp camera pans and quick cuts make the battles turly engaging.
On the whole Sicario 2 is 10 notches higher than it’s predecessor and has now officially turned the Sicario world into a franchise , the film is set to open to an 16 to 18 million $ first frame with the possibility to even go up to 20 world wide the film is going to do over a 180 million life time that more than twice it’s predecessor.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Review Score – A
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad