Action movie Date Base is a subsidiary of IMEN A boutique Media company based out of Mumbai India and London England and Hong Kong . The Sole Aim of AMDB is to promote Action films and Action talent from all Across the globe Show case them and connect TTT ( talent to talent) and increase film production on the most Widely accepted and widely consumed genre Globally. AMDB has a panel of experts who closely view talent and then use the platform to connect them to people who would like to render their Services. Want to be an Action movie Star. The next big stunt coordinator , the next big fight choreographer or the next big stunt man , the next big Car sequence expert or whatever you do related to the genre globally. Log onto to and we will make it happen. India has 8 Major film Industries of which Bollywood is the most popular globally, and Action films are the most widest consumed Genre in India we believe talent exists everywhere and it is out job to connect the best with the best.