CBS Films and Di Bonaventura Pictures have launched a slate of Mid budget Action films based on the Novel Series Written by Vince Flynn. The first from the series of the Novels to be adapted into a motion picture is American Assassin.
Directed By Micheal Cuesta ( He’s Directed Episodes for Dexter and Homeland) and Starring Dylan O Brian ( the Maze runner) American Assassin Deals with Terrorism and how one incident can change a common Man into a unstoppable War Machine.
Mitch A Regular 23 year old boy lost his parents to a tragic car accident at a young age. He Finally found his way back in life and is about to settle with his girlfriend When She’s killed in a terrorist Attack lead by Adnan Al-Mansur (Shahid Ahmed). As Mitch Watches his fiance die the Story Jumps to 18 months later. Mitch is back home where he’s transformed into a different person . He spends all his time training and learning how to fight and fire weapons. His training doesn’t go unnoticed as he is enlisted by CIA Deputy Director Irene Kennedy (Lathan) as a black ops recruit. Kennedy then assigns War veteran Stan Hurley (Keaton) to train Mitch.
Together they investigate a wave of apparently random attacks on military and civilian targets. The discovery of a pattern in the violence leads them to a joint mission with a lethal Turkish agent, Annika (Negar), to stop a mysterious operative, nicknamed “Ghost” (Kitsch), intent on starting a World war in the Middle east. Who is actually behind this mission and can Mitch Stop them makes for the rest of the film.
To Start with , the movie does give you a feel of A Jack Reacher meets a Jack Ryan . Though Islamic Terrorism seems to be a pretty redundant Subject the way the writers have handled the scenes keeping it fresh is a task well accomplished. A big fist up to Micheal Finch and Edward Zwick it’s tough to take a story that sounds routine and give it a spin.
Director Micheal Cuesta Manages to hold the film together very well, he handles the scenes like a Seasoned Director and knows how to build into the Action. He’s Definitely a director to look out for.
The Action Designed by Buster Reeves is Pretty Ordinary the fights could have been more Sharply Choreographed. DI bonaventura has always had a grand scale of Action ,though certain sequences are nicely Executed. By and Large the Action is simply AVERAGE.
Of the Actors Dylan O Brian slips into Mitch With ease he bring together the vulnerability and Rage the ease. He’s Still young and Fresh in the game. If he chooses his Characters correctly he could definitely leave his mark in the genre. Micheal Keaton is the wine that just keeps getting better and better with age. The year he has had this is the perfect ending to a fantastic diversity of Characters he has portrayed. Scott Adkins is once again wasted, He really needs to choose his scripts more wisely. A special Mention to Shiva Negar , She’s a talent to look out for.
On the whole American Assassin is an engaging and entertaining watch. Made on a modest budget of 30 million USD the film is a win win for both CBS and Di Bonaventura .
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Review Score- B+
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad