The on going Pandemic has brought the Movie Exhibition business to Halt however the industry has seen way worse. Though 2020 will not see many big releases 2021 is all set to double in business.
Add to the lot of winners will definitely be Mila Jovovich Starrer Monster Hunt that has now officially moved it’s release date to April 23, 2021.
L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti indicating is about to lock down the city again; as cases in Los Angeles are on a steep rise the entire August release schedule slide into the fall.
That makes the window very crowded and it’s important to see how the films fare then. It’s a smart move on the makes to move Monster Hunt which is a big budget film to 2021.
Jovovich and helmer Paul W.S. Anderson who have worked on all the Resident Evil franchise and are married to one another come together on the video game made feature film.
When Lt. Artemis and her loyal soldiers are transported to a new world, they engage in a desperate battle for survival against enormous enemies with incredible powers.
Jovovich is all set to Don her action Avatar and is joined by Tony Jaa. Keep reading this space fore more info.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad