Wonder women is growing from Strength to Strength and has had a fabulous second frame bring in 57 million $ beating Batman Vs Superman (51 million) and Suicide Squad (43 million) . Wonder women is well on it’s to doing a 200 million domestic. On it’s international front it’s doing great too, after a smashing first frame of around 162 million it’s second frame has come in at a fabulous 58.1 million. In the middle Kingdom too the film has done exceptionally well bring in 64 million beating warners Man of Steel.
We said it first that wonder women was going to bring warner out of the woods and it has to some extent. We were also the first to report a 100 million domestic first frame and it did.
While wonder women is going great guns , the weeks latest release The Mummy has doomed at the Box Office. The Preview Shows on Thursday had written it’s fate with a 3 Million coming from it , it was on course for a low 30 Million and that’s preciously what it did. The wide Date and Date release is the only reason why it has managed to pull in 141 million world wide taking it’s total to a 174 World wide. At best The Mummy looks like it will end it’s life time run at 75 million domestic and that’s exposing it’s full potential.
The Pathetic opening of the mummy and the smashing opening of Wonder Women in North America has proven that the American audience have moved away from Super Stars to Super Hero’s. It was a Speculative prophecy but today it has proved to be a fact.
The Only Smart thing that Universal Did was learn from Paramount’s mistake and released it Day and Date world wide, had paramount done the same thing Baywatch would have done double of it’s business.
We at amdb.in wish the entire team all the very best
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad