Superhero comic, Black, about a world in which only black people have superpowers, has been confirmed as the latest project slated to be adapted into a film by Studio 8. The EVP, Jon Silk, was at the helm of acquiring the adaptation rights and he will oversee the development alongside fellow executive Rishi Rajani.
Described as a cross between X-Men and The Wire, Black is set in a world where Kareem Jenkins, a young man who survives a hail of bullets, discovers he’s part of a larger, oppressive conspiracy in a world where only Black people have superpowers.
Black was written by Kwanza Osajyefo – a former Marvel and DC digital editor, and art by Tim Smith 3. The comic is a production of Black Mask Studios and just recently wrapped up its six-issue series.
The film adaptation does not currently have a release date or director attached. Casting and production information will be announced at a later date.
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