The Much Hyped Vidyut Jamval Starrer Junglee has released in theaters the film was all the hype as it is directed by Yester years Hollywood Director Chuck Russell.
The idea of the film was to bring Hollywood Sensibility into a Bollywood film, However that did not work out too well as the audiences decided to give the film a big miss , as predicted by amdb the film performed in Mass centers and that’s why the numbers came up to an 11.5 cr first frame.
The film is on course to do a 25 Cr INR life time at it’s best but it will all depend on how the film performs on monday.
However is the film a flop or a break ever for the producers. The film cost 22 Crs INR to Make with an 6 Cr PNA budget making the project cost 28 Crs in Total. The film recouped 20 Crs Through Satellite and OTT rights, another 3 crs from Music, international got in another 2 crs in MG and the film will have a net share of 10 crs from theatrical.
The total recoupment is of 35 crs and waving off the interest the producers will see a net Surplus of 5 crs.
The reason the film did not work was the trailer failed to grip you from the word go , there was nothing Dynamic or intriguing to bring in the audience.
The trailer found the lowest rating on Trend Track with a C Score.
The film is inspired from 2008’s Ong Bak 2 which it’s self fared average at the box office due to it’s high cost of production.
In keeping with 2019 and seeing where world Action Cinema is going One needs to up it’s game to compete with Hollywood that opens an Action film almost every Friday.
Chuck Russell could not get the emotion to make a film like this , he was a bad choice from the word Go for a Subject of this kind.
However the film managed to recoup it’s cost and got a small icing on top as Action has no language and sell it’s self globally.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad