Kristen Bell will return in the popular detective mystery-drama series Veronica Mars. Rob Thomas, who created the original UPN/CW show, will be the writer which will stream at Hulu, with Warner Bros. as the studio. Veronica Mars previously ran from 2004 to 2007, three seasons, 60 episodes. The show was about a college student private investigator, who solved cases in the fictional city of Neptune, California.
The series developed such a devoted following of fans, that when the series stopped, a successful Kickstarter campaign for a movie sequel was launched in 2013. Thomas and Bell raised $3.7 million in a matter of hours. The film with Bell in the lead, and featuring a number of other original cast members, was released by Warner Bros in 2014.
Bell is currently starring in the NBC comedy series The Good Place. Since the production would revolve around the actress’ other commitments, Veronica Mars will be an eight episode limited series. There have been discussions about bringing back a number of the other cast members from the original series and a follow-up movie.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
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