John Abraham is back to Silver Screens with the Sequel of his franchise of Satyamev Jayate, however this time it’s not just one John we see but 3 on Silver Screen can the film live up to the hype lets find out.
In a country where power is synonymous to immunity, corruption runs riot. Entangled in this vicious world is Satya – a strong, patriotic and single-minded man. Satya dreams of a corrupt-free India. Being a CM, his powers enable him to carry out his vision. However, how much ever he tries to change things, the rampant dishonesty and greed in the country keeps coming back at him. Standing by his side through all of this is Vidya, his wife. Vidya is a headstrong and purposeful member of the opposition party. Vidya’s father is the PM of the country – Suryaprakash. Vidya does not let this bog her down, she continues to have her own voice, her own vision, and leads fearlessly from the front.
From the noblest of professions to the bravest, corruption manages to sneak in everywhere. From doctors, to teachers, to builders, everyone finds themselves being a cog in this messed up machine. Bearing the brunt of these immoral actions are the majority of the nation; the common man. As more and more lives get affected by this relentless pursuit of money and power, Satya decides to take matter into his own hands, having seen too much injustice from the sidelines. By day, he tries in vain to get the anti-corruption bill passed, while at night, he becomes an embodiment of the public’s frustration and punishes those who are guilty of stepping on people’s backs just to get to the top. The corrupt are made to face the consequences of their actions. The brutal, but at the same time, poetic nature of these killings send shock waves across the country. Satya, and Suryaprakash are put under pressure by an increasingly agitated public, some of whom aren’t entirely against this new brand of justice.
Satya’s motivation stems from his father, Dadasahib’s vision for the same India. Dadasahib was a fearless farmer and a nationalist, who ended up being the victim of the same system he tried fighting. Now, with vengeance in his heart, and sheer determination to complete his father’s mission, nothing seems to be able to stop Satya.
As the investigation keeps circling back to square one, Suryaprakash decides to call up his best bet to catch the vigilante – Jay. Even though his methods are questioned time and again, no one questions his competence and ability. A shrewd and courageous police officer, Jay makes it a point to stop these killings at all costs. He may not be the policeman this country deserves but it’s definitely the one it needs right now. He urges his team to think like this vigilante, and leads from the front. Satya has finally found his match, and subsequently, the battle of wits begins. Will Jay be able to conclude this twisted brand of justice? Or will Satya continue to avenge the voiceless?
To Start with the film is an out and out Commercial targetted to the masses running at almost 2 hours and 20 minutes the film is packed with everything a massy audience will like , the biggest reason for liking the film is John Abraham .
John has officially become the mass hero of the country he carry the film throughout on his massive shouldiers there’s no way to debate that he is by far one of the Commercial Stars of the country . He’s the only Stars that can make the most Average Action look good. John Abraham Proves that in a by gone Era of SuperStars he’s truly the one to carry the title forward.
Divya Khosla makes an stunning come back shes truly come in her own and is the perfect cast for the film. Director Milap Zaveri has made leeps and bound improvement from his first outing his shot taking has improved a lot.
Coming to the Action though very regular Action Master Amir Katib has done a decent job in keeping with the theme of the film and catering to Action Superstar John Abrahams personality.
All and all Satyamev Jayete 2 is a John Abraham Show all along go in and see this film for total entertainment.
We at wish the entire team all the very best.
Review Score A.
4 Stars
Disclaimer- The reviewer is well respected as an Action connoisseur in global action communities. Amdb (Action movie Data Base) is a site solely designed to review and promote “only” action Films. The reviewer has served as an action consultant to many Action films. He is graduate in advance screen writing. And Above all he know’s what the F he’s talking about.
AMDB’S Rating : A-Excellent || B-Good || C -Average || D-Bad